the magic kingdom
Every time I see this building I am reminded of the Disney castle logo. It's only the pointy cones at the top of the tower that bear any resemblance, but if they were decorated with pennants waving in the breeze, you'd see it too. The Disney castle logo represents "The Magic Kingdom" which is what they call Disney World. This building isn't a castle, it's a church, and they have a magical kingdom too, except they don't call it that; they call it Heaven.
Today an older guy rushed toward me as I was walking down the street in James Bay. He said, "Just take it -- it's free!" repeatedly with his hand thrust out holding a small piece of paper as he approached. He had obviously learned the hard way that people don't want bits of paper from strangers. I knew it was a religious tract as soon as I saw it, though I hoped it wasn't. I thought that he didn't look crazy enough to be the kind of person who hands out religious tracts. I was wrong. Thankfully, he managed to vanish immediately.
I found myself wondering why a person would hand out religious tracts. I've never met anyone who said, "Well, I didn't believe in Jesus, but then one day someone gave me a religious tract in the street and it was so convincing that I decided to believe." Maybe they're out there and I haven't met them, but it seems unlikely. Even if someone could be convinced to change their life by awkwardly thrusting a folded bit of paper at them, they'd be the sort of person who'd be convinced of something completely different by the next crazy person with a folded wad of paper.
Giving me a tract was a waste of time. I own a copy of the bible and I've read it. Reading it is one of the things that really convinced me that it isn't true. There are some crazy and offensive ideas in that book. If it wasn't so sanctimonious, the obscenities like daughters getting their father drunk to have sex with him in the book of Genesis would cause moral people to be outraged, and that's just one example. I threw the tract away without reading it because the only magical kingdom I believe in is so silly it has people dressed in cartoon animal suits, but at least it's not as silly as the sexually perverse nightmare dreamed up by repressed horny stone age misogynists.